Friday, 22 March 2019, 6 – 7:30pm
An in conversation with Emer Reynolds, writer and director of The Farthest (2017) chaired by Prof Ruth Barton (TCD) co-organised by Trinity School of Creative Arts and CONNECT.
Emer Reynolds
Award-winning editor, writer and documentary director, Emer Reynolds, will discuss her acclaimed film,The Farthest with Associate Professor in Film Studies, Ruth Barton, and CONNECT Principal Investigator, Marco Ruffini, in the Long Room Hub on Friday March 22, at 6pm.
The Farthest tells the inspiring story of Nasa’sVoyager space probes in the words of the men and women who designed and built the spacecraft. Interspersed with extraordinary imagery from the journey through space,The Farthest played at festivals worldwide, culminating in winning an Emmy in the category of ‘Outstanding Science and Technology Documentary’ in 2018. A celebration of the possibilities of scientific vision and of the humanity of those behind these experiments, including the creators of the ‘golden record’ made to enlighten possible alien encounters about life on earth,The Farthest is a testament to the potential of the human imagination.
Register here
The interview will include sequences from The Farthest alongside a discussion of the film.
Accessibility: Yes
Campus Location: Trinity Long Room Hub
Room: Neill Lecture Theatre
Audience: Undergrad, Postgrad, Alumni, Faculty & Staff, Public
Cost: Free (but registration is essential)
More info: www.eventbrite.ie…