WFT would like to thank outgoing Vice Chair, DOP Jaro Waldeck, for her service to the members in the role. During her tenure as Vice Chair, Jaro has hosted numerous WFT Masterclasses and Workshops on cinematography and lighting, spotlighting the tireless work undertaken by crew and camera artists. Jaro will still retain her seat on the Board of Directors and will still continue to empower women behind the lens.
Dr. Susan Liddy, WFT Ireland Chair and WIFT International President expresses her gratitude for Jaro: “I’d like to thank the outgoing Vice Chair, Jaro Waldeck, for her wonderful contribution to the WFT board over the last few years. Jaro brought women in behind-the-camera roles into sharp focus with her expertise and passion. Thankfully she will remain as a WFT board member and will continue to serve our members.”
She will also be hosting our upcoming Coffee Chat on 26th February, 2024.
About Jaro Waldeck
Jaro Waldeck started her journey in cinematography with undergraduate photography studies in the USA. Soon, she realised she was interested in movement in her images and made the transition to cinematography studies at Columbia College Chicago. She graduated in 2008 and was placed on a coveted internship with Oscar nominated DOP Phedon Papamichael, ASC (Sideways, Walk the Line, Nebraska, Ford vs. Ferrari) on a movie “W.” which he was shooting for Oliver Stone. After the internship, Jaro moved back home to Prague, Czech Republic, where she pursued further cinematography studies at the world renowned film school Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU).
She studied under the guidance of accomplished and award winning cinematographers such as Miroslav Ondricek (Amadeus) and Vladimir Smutny (The Painted Bird), and graduated with a Masters Degree in Cinematography in 2011. The following year Jaro moved to Ireland, where she’s worked on short narrative and documentary films, commercial and corporate productions and kept up her photography work alongside it all. She’s also collaborated with some of her former classmates from Columbia College and FAMU on a documentary feature and served as a camera operator on a season of reality television series “Survivor.” Jaro is a member of the Czech Society of Cinematographers and a board member of Women in Film and TV Ireland. Besides shooting she has also passed on her knowledge through teaching at the English language cinematography department at FAMU, the former Dublin film hub Filmbase, and at Colaiste Dhulaigh in Coolock. She has been nominated five times for her cinematography on short films and turned three of them into wins.