Welcome to the WFT Writers’ Room, a supportive online space where our members can ask honest and in-depth questions. These discussions span an array of topics and are hosted by fellow writer and WFT Admin Executive Gemma Creagh.
As writers, it can be tough to strike the right work/life balance. Between looming deadlines, demanding projects, and a day job, burnout can be a real problem. On 22nd February WFT will be hosting host a discussion on well-being and resilience with accomplished speaker, creative and WFT Member Johanna Thea. We’ll be chatting with Johanna, not only about her impressive and varied career to date, but also about the importance of looking after our own mental health as we navigate a highly competitive industry.
All are welcome to register here for the live webinar with Johanna, which will take place at 6:30pm on Wednesday 22nd February.
Up-to-date WFT & WGI Members are welcome to stick around for the private Q&A after at 7:15 pm.