If you’re heading to Berlinale this week, EWA Network (European network for women in the film industry) have compiled a helpful list of industry events that are pivotal to us as women in film throughout Europe. If you don’t follow them yet, you can do so here. EWA Network supports women working in the film industry through networking opportunities, career programs (mentoring, residencies, workshops) and a blog. Also, make sure to keep an eye out for our Chair Dr. Susan Liddy, who’ll be representing WFT Ireland throughout the festival.
EWA Network: For years now, companies and cultural institutions around the globe have been tackling issues of inclusion and equal rights. Most recently, with the #MeToo movement and new concepts like “inclusion riders”, the urgency of these topics has also reached the film industry. To date, numerous studies have been devoted to the question of inclusion and representation in film and television. Inequalities, for instance, in age, gender, and ethnicity in front and behind the camera have been numerically substantiated. At the same time, other studies have shown that films benefit from diversity in many ways – from the creative process to distribution and audience reception. Hence inclusion is not just a societal factor, but also a prerequisite for success.
Here’s a list of events on these topics which will be held during the Berlinale 2019:
Women in Film and Television (WIFT)
WIFT Press Conference
Friday, February 8, 1.30–2.30 pm
Venue: Norway House, Gropius Park
Admission is for accredited press only. Please rsvp to Petra Kauraisa (petra@kauraisa.com) by February 5.
Further information here
Gender, Genre and Big Budgets
Saturday, February 9, 9.30am–1.30 pm
Venue: Meistersaal, Köthener Straße 38 (S & U-Bahn Potsdamer Platz)
The event is hosted by WIFT Germany & Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund | Köln, with WIFT Nordic, Women in Film LA and WIFT International, with the support of Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Norwegian Filminstitute (NFI), Swedish Filminstitute.
At the start of the event, Berlinale director Dieter Kosslick will sign the pledge “5050 x 2020“ to work for increased gender equality at the festival and the market.
Registration here (free for accredited visitors and WIFT members, 15€ for the public)
EWA Network Annual Meeting for Members
Monday, February 11, 2.30–7.30 pm
Venue: Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Dorotheenstraße 12
By invitation only
Further information here
Pro Quote Film
International Round Table of Women’s Organisations in Film and Media at the Berlin International Film Festival
Friday, February 8, 12.30–3.00 pm
Venue: German Federal Foreign Office, Werderscher Markt 1, Europasaal
Organised by the German Federal Foreign Office and Pro Quote Film
By invitation only
Upgrade Your Mind – Why Gender and Diversity Belong Together
Sunday, February 10, 11:30-1:00 pm
Venue: Academy of Arts, Pariser Platz 4
Organised by Pro Quote Film with the support of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Languages: English and German
Intimacy in Front Of and Behind the Camera
Tuesday, February 12, 4.00–5.30 pm
Venue: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
Organised by Pro Quote Film and the Bundesverband Schauspiel BFFS
Event sponsored by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Admission is for accredited visitors and invited guests only.
Die Förderer fordern – Making Film Funding Fit for the Future
Wednesday, February 13, 5.00–7.00 pm
Venue: Berliner Freiheit 2
Language: German
An event of Pro Quote Film, the Bundesverband Regie and the Initiative Frankfurter Positionen
With the support of VG Bild-Kunst and Crew United
Further information soon here
A Fresh Perspective: Women, Diversity and the Obvious Relationship to the New Position of Streaming Platforms and TV Networks.
Wednesday, February 13, 3.30–4.30 pm
Venue: “Berlinale Africa Hub”, Gropius Park
Languages: English and German
Hosted by Rodney Charles and Benita Bailey
Supported by the EFM and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Admission is only for EFM Market Badge holders and invited guests
Furthermore, events of the EFM also including diversity
All EFM events are only accessible for Market Badge and Press Accreditation holders, unless otherwise indicated.
Africa Hub Talk: Interconnectivity, Self-Empowerment and Inclusive Network Building of African Women Film Professionals
Friday, February 8, 3.00–4.00 pm
Venue: “Berlinale Africa Hub”, Gropius Park
Game Changers for Diverse Films
How to Reinvent the Narrative on Sales, Distribution and Marketing
Saturday, February 9, 4.00–5.30 pm
Venue: “EFM Horizon”, Berliner Freiheit 2
Collaborative Present, Inclusive Futures: Collaborative and Inclusive Producing
Sunday, February 10, 5.00–6.00 pm
Venue: “EFM Producers Hub”, Gropius Bau
All Inclusive – Diverse Documentary Festival Programming
Tuesday, February 12, 3.30–4.30 pm
Venue: “DocSalon”, Gropius Bau
In collaboration with the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA)
Reframing Documentary Funding: Diverse Lenses in Focus
Tuesday, February 12, 5.00–6.00 pm
Venue: “DocSalon”, Gropius Bau
Re:Vision: A Think Tank Towards Inclusion
Tuesday, February 12, 2.00–4.30 pm
Venue: “EFM Horizon”, Berliner Freiheit 2
By invitation only
In collaboration with the Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP)
Announcement of NFI’s Diversity Action Plan followed by the panel: Inclusive Europe: Diversity Success Stories
Friday, February 8, 2.30–4.00 pm
Venue: Norway House, Gropius Park
Organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI), European Film Promotion (EFP), EFM
Berlinale Co-Production Market
(Un)equal Pay – Participation and Percentage
Saturday, February 9, 2.30–3.30 pm
Venue: Berlin House of Representatives (Abgeordnetenhaus), Niederkirc
Admission is for accredited visitors only.
Further information and preliminary programme here
Native – A Journey into Indigenous Cinema 2019
Close to Me: Bringing Family Stories to the Screen
Tuesday, February 12, 2.30–4.00 pm
European Women’s Audiovisual Network
Black Filmmakers Community
Frame: How Asia Pacific Feminist Filmmakers and Artists are Confronting Inequalities
Exhibition: February 12 – March 29, 2019, Mon-Fri 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue: Australian Embassy Berlin, Wallstraße 76
Berlinale Talents
Room for All: A Safer Set Workshop
Tuesday, February 12, 11.30 am–1.00 pm
Venue: acama Hostel (Purple Room), Tempelhofer Ufer 8-9
Private event for the Berlinale Talents participants. Interested accredited media representatives please contact talents.press@
Reinventing Porn: Erika’s Ethics
Wednesday, February 13, 2.00–3.30 pm
Venue: HAU2, Hallesches Ufer 32
To attend, both the public and accredited visitors need to get a ticket at the ticket counter.
Further information from January 29 here