Balancing the Industry – The European Perspective
Creative Europe Desk Ireland MEDIA & Women in Film and Television Ireland (WFT Ireland) present Balancing the Industry, a unique event looking at European strategies to achieve gender balance in the film and television industries.
This half day seminar takes place on Friday September 15th in The Dean Hotel on Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, 9am-1.30pm. Given the current momentum to increase the number of women in the film and television industry, it is vital to look at how this is happening across Europe and what the Irish industry can learn. We are bringing some of the most reputable filmmakers and industry professionals in Europe under one roof, featuring Creative Europe MEDIA supported European filmmakers, to share best practice, consider insights, and provide a once-off platform to comprehensively review gender balance in the industry.
Producer Helene Granqvist, President of WFT Sweden and former president of WFT Europe, will give an overview of gender equality in the film and TV industries across Europe, in an interview with Dr. Susan Liddy. Then we will focus on the Swedish industry where incentives have led to a 50/50 gender ratio working in the audiovisual industry. Helen Granqvist will be joined by Sanna Lenken, director of the Berlinale Crystal Bear 2015 winner My Skinny Sister and Soni Jorgensen, screenwriter and story consultant, in a discussion chaired by director/producer Liz Gill on what it’s like working at ground level in that industry.
Moving across Europe we then hear the Slovakian point of view. Producer Katarina Krnacova, will present a case study of the Berlinale Crystal Bear 2017 winner Little Harbour. Krnacova will discuss the Slovakian model and her experiences working with the female-led Little Harbour production.
Following these inspirational discussions, a panel of Irish industry professionals, chaired by producer Martha O’Neill, will reflect on the Irish situation and assess how the industry can achieve gender equality – from funders to film set.
“We are delighted to be working with WFT Ireland on this exciting event which will explore the challenges and opportunities that face the issue of gender equality in the wider European Film and TV industry,” Orla Clancy of Creative Europe Ireland noted. “By focusing on specific examples, I expect that those who attend will learn positive tips and achievable actions that we can all do to attain our goal of equality in the Irish Film and TV industries.”
“This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in a conversation with the wider European industry about the practical ways we can translate a 50/50 gender equality goal into specific and measurable strategies,” Dr Susan Liddy (WFT Ireland) commented. “I think it’s particularly heartening to see so many organisations working together to bring about such long-awaited change. But there is no room for complacency and events such as this are invaluable in maintaining momentum and identifying ways to create solid and lasting change on the ground.”
Registration is at 9am, there is a tea/coffee break at 11.30am, and complimentary lunch at 1.30pm. All are welcome, and the event is free of charge, but to register a place please book on Billetto.ie by Tuesday September 12th. Please note that places are limited. This event is supported by the BAI Sectoral Development Fund.
CONTACT: Orla Clancy (Creative Europe Ireland) +353 1 6791856 orla@creativeeuropeireland.eu
Dr Susan Liddy +353 (0) 86 8218783 susan.liddy@mic.ul.ie