WFT would officially like to invite all our members to our 2022 Annual General Meeting which will take place on Tuesday, July 12th at 11:30am online.
We encourage all members to attend however please RSVP by registering before July 1st and you will be sent a link to the meeting.
Register your place here via Billetto.
Note: If you cannot make it, you are welcome to return the below ‘proxy form’ and nominate another member to vote in your place. Please complete and return the proxy form via email before June 29th.
All members in good standing will receive an email via our Newsletter which includes links to the following documents:
- Official 2022 AGM Notification
- Approved 2021 Financial Statements
- Proxy Form
- Minutes of the Directors’ Meeting setting the date of the AGM
If you have not received this Newsletter (please check your spam folder) you are very welcome to email us at info@wft.ie and we will re-send it to you with the above documents.
You MUST be a current member in good standing to attend the AGM. Please make sure you are up-to-date with your WFT membership by logging in to the site and checking your subscription.
At the AGM we will: review/approve the financial accounts for 2021, elect/re-elect the board, and vote on some proposed constitutional changes.