Age & Opportunity is the national organisation that provides a range of opportunities for older people who want to get more involved in arts and culture, sport and physical activity, civic engagement and personal development.
Their aim is to inspire people aged 50+ to live a dynamic life where they are more active, more visible, more creative and more connected.
This film commission is an Age & Opportunity Arts initiative.
Tender Outline
Age & Opportunity is seeking tenders from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to create a 10 -15 minute film documenting and celebrating the experiences of 6 older LGBTQIA+ persons from across rural and urban Ireland, for exhibition in Bealtaine 2021, as well as other film festivals TBC. The film will be an exploration of their growing up and living in 2020 Ireland, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future. Details of the tender are set out in this document, which is comprised of four parts:
∙ Part 1: Background information
∙ Part 2: Age & Opportunity’s requirements and other considerations
∙ Part 3: Tender process
∙ Part 4: General tender information, terms and conditions
Interested parties should submit a proposal by email to Eva Griffin, Arts Programme Administrator at arts@ageandopportunity.ie by 12 noon on Friday 29th January 2021.