Join WFT Ireland at the Annual General Meeting on August 14th 2024

WFT Ireland would officially like to invite all our members to our 2024 Annual General Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday 14th August, from 7:30pm online on Zoom.

If you are unable to attend, please do exercise your right to vote by voting by proxy. You will find the proxy form as an attached document.

All members in good standing would have received an email via our Newsletter which includes links to the following documents:

  • Cover Letter
  • Official 2024 AGM Notification
  • Proxy Form

If you have not received this Newsletter (please check your spam folder) you are very welcome to email us at and we will re-send it to you with the above documents.

You MUST be a current member in good standing to attend the AGM. Please make sure you are up-to-date with your WFT membership by logging in to the site and checking your subscription.

During the meeting, we will also provide an overview of our financial status, and conduct our Board elections.

We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting!