European Writers Club (EWC) ‘s new pilot session, BRIDGING GENERATIONS / connecting audiences aims to foster cross-generational storytelling by encouraging young and older experienced writers to co-create TV series and explore adapting these series into formats like games, podcasts, feature films, and social media.
For Thomas Gammeltoft, CEO & Head of EWC, “In times of challenges and fragmentation globally, we need stories built on shared beliefs, values and dreams. We need stories with relevance and resonance that speak across the echo chambers, we are divided in. We need stories that can unite us across generations and countries in Europe and hopefully make changes for the better.”
For Bridging Generations, EWC will select 6-8 teams with early-stage TV series concepts. In the selection of teams, EWC will focus on the age gap within the team, the writers’ experience, diversity, cross-generational potential, and broadcaster or producer involvement. Concepts should offer fresh perspectives and aim to impact audiences across generations.
EWC’s goal is to see all selected concepts commissioned for further development after the conclusion of the third camp.
The call is open on 16th October 2024, with a deadline of 31st December 2024.
The eligibility criteria for teams are as follows:
- Teams shall consist of an experienced younger writer and an experienced older writer with a minimum of 10 years in between. Writers must meet at least one of the following criteria:
– Young writers (38 or younger): being a creator or showrunner of a TV series, have written at least one episode of a TV series, being a creator or writer for a game, web series, short film, podcast, or any other audiovisual narrative format, have written a publicly performed theatre play, or have a writer’s credit on a feature film.
– Older writers (39 or older): being a creator or showrunner of a TV series, a head writer of a TV series, or have written a minimum of two episodes (each at least 25 minutes) of a show aired in at least two EU countries, including the country of origin.
- Teams shall submit a TV series concept in early story development.
- The teams must be open to making changes to the story as part of the development process.
- Teams must sort out all legal matters before applying.
- All selected teams will receive a participation grant.
- All applicants must be EU citizens.
The selected teams of writers will be included in three immersive camps: France (April), Sweden (June), and Spain (September) 2025. In the camps, the projects will be tested and developed further in collaboration with format consultants, tutors, broadcasters, sales agents, and an audience panel attached to each project.
Bridging Generations is all about creative empowerment. EWC encourages co-creation and collaboration among European TV series storytellers, boosting their creativity and originality in developing compelling narratives from early-stage ideas to TV series that can cross European borders and generations.
Bridging Generations is financed by the European Union together with Film i Skåne/South of Sweden Regional Film Fund and Commission, Eesti Filmi Instituut/Estonia, Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais (AGADIC)/Spain, Fís Éireann/Ireland, National Talent Academies/Ireland, SGAE/Spain, The National Film School of Denmark/Denmark, MOIN Filmföderung Hamburg Slesvig-Holstein/Germany, La Cité Europenne des Scénaristes/France, VAF/Belgium, Icelandic Film Center/Iceland, The Danish Writers Guild/Denmark. Broadcasters and sales agents are to be announced shortly.
For more information on how to apply, please contact Filson Ali at filson@europeanwriters.club and Basel Mawlawi at basel@europeanwriters.clubor visit the official EWC website.
Lear more in the brief attached below:
EWC aims to spark and facilitate collaboration between creators, writers, broadcasters, and producers of European TV series to boost creativity and originality in telling important, impactful stories that transcend to a larger European audience across borders. We support the main vision of the EU to unite the European countries and create a common platform for a sense of connectedness. We aim to boost, upscale, and upgrade stories that resonate with Europeans from all walks of life. In a time where Europe is fragmented on multiple geopolitical levels, we help create stories that are relevant on a supranational level – stories that unite European talents and audiences and generate profit. We create a room of trust in between the industry creatives with the writers in focus, where ideas are welcomed with open arms, tried and tested, and developed in iterative processes. We bring industry professionals, including writers, producers, broadcasters, and institutes, together in a unique European network. By inspiring, exchanging, and collaborating with each other, EWC fast-tracks ideas to audiences using a toolbox of new methods and initiatives. We boost stories that unite Europe, transcend borders, and speak into new paradigms. We believe that cross-border collaboration creates fertile soil for the best stories.
To request interviews with the team or if you need more information or material, please contact:
Haizea Viana I haizea@vivavivaviva.com
Laura M. Santamarina I laura@vivavivaviva.com