Raising Films Ireland launches their ‘Survey of the Issues that are Impacting Parents and Carers in the Irish Screen Industries in 2021’
Click here to take the survey.
Today, Raising Films Ireland (RFI) launched their research survey of the Issues that are Impacting Parents and Carers in the Irish Screen Industries in 2021, which will mark the first step towards a fairer, more equitable and accessible screen industry in Ireland. The research is supported by the Screen Skills Ireland Stakeholder Fund.
Commenting on the launch, Raising Films Ireland chair Ailish Bracken said “Raising Films Ireland is very excited to be taking this step towards gaining as much information as we can about our industry and the impacting issues surrounding the parents and carers in it, as well as those trying to remain in it or get back into it. I want to thank our board, Raising Films in the UK for their guidance and support and Screen Skills Ireland, without which Raising Films Ireland and this survey would not be possible. I would also like to applaud the immense work that our research team has put into building this survey. This is the first of its kind in our country’s industry and I look forward to the results it will garner and the comparative data it will contribute to across Raising Films global network. I would also encourage all those working in the creative industries, whether you are currently a parent or carer, or not, to please take the survey as it covers all these demographics and the information will be invaluable.”
Research Led by WFT Chair Dr. Susan Liddy
The research is being led by Dr Susan Liddy, MIC, University of Limerick, the Chair of Women in Film and Television Ireland and a board member of Raising Films Ireland. The team also comprises Dr Anne O Brien and Fergal Rhatigan, both from Maynooth University. Dr Liddy said “I’m very proud to be part of the launch of the Raising Films Ireland survey, 2021. Never before have we attempted to gather data on this scale and to so comprehensively analyse the experiences of parents and carers in its workforce. We know a certain amount from smaller studies that have focused solely on mothers. But we are still in the dark about the extent of the problem, the impact on fathers and on individuals who care for other loved ones, apart from children. This survey will provide us with the bigger picture and give us an in-depth insight into how the industry, as currently constructed, impacts on individuals and families. They say knowledge is power and, with your help, this survey will empower us all to work more effectively for change.”
The survey will remain online from Tuesday May 11th to Tuesday the 8th June, encompassing International Day of Families, Global Parent’s Day and National Carer’s Week, and will enable RFI to have a clearer understanding of the needs of parents and carers working in Ireland’s screen industries. We hope to harness this knowledge to drive positive change in the industry going forward.