The media shape our perception of reality and therefore have a special responsibility. This applies all the more to such a socially urgent topic as gender–based violence.
The study “Gender–based Violence on German Television“, initiated by the MaLisa Foundation and UFA, shows that explicit gender–based violence, often serious violence against women, is portrayed in a third of all TV formats. With this white paper, Women in Film and Television Germany (WIFT), the MaLisa Foundation and the Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS) would like to contribute to a conscious approach to the portrayal of violence against women in audiovisual media.
The following set of recommended questions emerged from the discussions of the think tank, “Gender–based Violence in Cinema, Streaming and Television. Our Responsibility in Storytelling and Production”, which brought together more than forty decision–makers from the German audiovisual industry in September 2023. The questions are intended to stimulate reflection at different stages of the creative process.
The discussion participants agreed that artistic freedom and the telling of exciting and entertaining stories are central. However, a responsible and conscious approach to the staging of violence against women should also be a prerequisite. The white paper is intended as an invitation to reflect on one’s own work and creative decisions.
Read the full paper online here.