Over the last three years, the BAI has supported a number of initiatives aimed at supporting female screenwriters. The Writers’ Guild of Ireland have announce their support for a series of three virtual seminars in 2020. The first of these: Mapping Your Career will take place as a webinar on Thursday, 16th July at 11am and will feature our Chair, Dr. Susan Liddy.
The event, which is open to female WGI members only, aims to provide practical advice and guidance so that writers can develop a strategic plan for their screenwriting career: developing business skills, who to know and how to connect with them, how to develop your own ‘slate’ of projects, how to market yourself and your work and how to survive financially while progressing your work.
The session will be introduced by lecturer Dr Susan Liddy, moderated by Screenwriter and WFT member Jennifer Davidson with panellists Writer & Director Carmel Winters and Producer Emma Norton.