The culture wars currently raging online, outside the gates of Enoch Burke’s school, every court and tribunal his family show up at, at drag time story hours in America and countless demonstration and counter demonstration the world over, are the subject of a new play, The War Wounded by Garret Baker. This new piece of theatre – starring Liath Hannon, John Lawler and Helen McGrath, and directed by WFT Member Mo O’Connell – premieres as part of the Dublin International Gay Theatre Festival, from May 1st to 6th in The Teacher’s Club Studio at 7:30 pm (Matinees Monday the 1st and Saturday the 6th at 4pm).
Tickets €15, €13 with concessions. https://gaytheatre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873645059/events/129476585
The War Wounded is set entirely during a film junket interview encounter between a bitter, former war reporter now writing for a small online publication following a supposed cancellation, a recently Oscar-nominated actress and her take-no-prisoners publicist. What was supposed to be a quick interview quickly goes awry as it becomes clear the stakes are much, much higher; for the reporter, his reputation, for the actress, her career and potential Oscar. By the end of the night the ravenous online discourse on gender, on sex, on fame and privilege gets dragged into the harsh light of the real world, in a sharp, and darkly witty new play.
Mo O’Connell is an award-winning actor, writer and director. She is the founder and head of 3 Hot Whiskeys Productions. With a BA in Acting from RADA and a Higher National Diploma in Film Production from Ballyfermot, Mo has made over 12 short films and produced and directed her own feature length film. Mo has written a full length play called, “Good Girl” and it was performed at the RADA Festival where it received great feedback from the audiences and it is currently being developed. Mo’s films Haven and Bruise are winning numerous awards on the festival circuit. Haven recently won the Consulate of Ireland Award at its USA Premiere at the Chicago Irish Film Festival March 2023 and won Maria McDermottroe – the lead – won best Actress from the Toronto Women’s International Film Festival also in March 2023.
Haven can next be seen at Catalyst International Film Festival in April 2023 & at the Oscar Qualifying, 20th in the Palace International Film Festival in Bulgaria in June 2023. Bruise has won numerous Director awards for Mo and can next be seen at Fastnet Film Festival in May 2023. Mo is delighted to be back working with Garret and cast, Liath, Helen & John on this wonderful new play.