How can Neurodiversity enrich our industry? In this live online discussion, WFT Vice-Chair and DOP Jaro Waldeck will be in conversation with Anna Czarska and Caoilinn Handley about autism as well as making films with autistic filmmaking talent in front and behind the camera. This live talk will take place on Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30pm.
This event has been made possible with the support of the BAI.
Caoilinn Handley
Caoilinn is an autistic activist and film producer from Dublin, Ireland. She currently works as a Junior Producer in MK1Studios Productions across a range of international co-productions. Caoilinn is also developing a number of her own shorts centred around the themes of diversity and inclusion. Caoilinn is completing research into neurodivergent and disabled cast/crew in the Irish screen industry, which has been funded by the Arts Council. The results are shared with Screen Ireland, and are available to all other interested parties.
Anna Czarska
Anna is a neurodiverse producer, director and writer, as well as the Managing Director of Sticky Tape Productions. Anna has been involved with the film industry on and off throughout their life. They have a background in business and produce, direct, write, and manage projects that exemplify their interest in unconventional cinema, often regarding topics involving mental health or societal matters that require greater public awareness. Anna especially likes to challenge the everyday thinker to try something new, something different; this is at the heart of where their enthusiasm lies. Selected Works: Mildly Different, Cost You Nothing, The Dining Room