Book your tickets for IFI Spotlight 2022 which will take place on Wednesday 1st June from 10am. Watch practitioners, journalists and academics as they interrogate the previous twelve months of activity in the Irish film and television industry.
The day will include a review of the year by Tony Tracy and Roderick Flynn; panel discussions on music and film (hosted by the Screen Composers Guild); Irish language and film (with TG4); D&I policies in the film industry and the power of casting to effect change moderated by our own Chair, Dr Susan Liddy; and a keynote address from investigative journalist Malachy Browne of the New York Times video unit.
Review of the Year, with Dr Tony Tracy (NUIG) & Dr Roddy Flynn (DCU)
Music into Film, hosted by Screen Composers’ Guild
Gael Force: Irish language in the cinema
The D&I is Cast: D&I strategies for UK and Irish film and television
Keynote Address, with investigative journalist Malachy Browne, a founder of The New York Times video investigations team
Find out how you can book tickets here.