Women in Film & Television Ireland: All organisations in receipt of public funds should provide full transparency on pay.
Women in Film&TV Ireland (WFT) welcomes RTE’s announcement that the organisation will conduct a pay review based on gender parity and release figures of its highest paid presenters. These figures should extend beyond presenters and across the organisation to all staff.
As an organisation that represents professionals at all levels in the industry, WFT Ireland calls on all bodies in receipt of public funds to release similar figures and roll out wage reviews as a priority. In the audiovisual industry this would include: the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), the Irish Film Board (IFB) and the Arts Council.
In order to assess the real and actual commitment to equality in the industry and in Irish society it is imperative that we have full transparency so that any unequal practises can be eradicated.
WFT welcomes the recent initiatives announced by the IFB to encourage and stimulate gender equality in the industry and calls on all funding bodies to make similar concrete commitments.
WFT will continue to work closely with these bodies to ensure that the eradication of any gender based pay gaps becomes a reality.
For more information contact WFT
Web: www.wft.ieEmail: wiftirl@gmail.com